rust-lang/rust v1.84.1 laravel/framework v10.48.28 pytorch/pytorch v2.6.0
pixelfed/pixelfed rust-lang/rust mastodon/mastodon penpot/penpot spatie/laravel-activitylog ansible/ansible golang/go django/django laravel/framework kovah/linkace muety/wakapi pytorch/pytorch wierkstudio/ciphereditor wibyweb/wiby mermaid-js/mermaid grafana/loki gohugoio/hugo facebook/react home-assistant/home-assistant containrrr/watchtower monicahq/monica filamentphp/filament nodejs/node nvm-sh/nvm apernet/hysteria rome/tools hpcaitech/ColossalAI wagoodman/dive kubernetes/kubernetes apache/spark microsoft/vscode nixos/nixpkgs openshift/origin tensorflow/tensorflow apple/swift elastic/elasticsearch moby/moby cockroachdb/cockroach servo/servo flutter/flutter homebrew/homebrew-core elastic/kibana julialang/julia ceph/ceph pandas-dev/pandas godotengine/godot saltstack/salt symfony/symfony wordpress/gutenberg bitcoin/bitcoin nextcloud/server hashicorp/terraform apache/beam zulip/zulip mui-org/material-ui ionic-team/ionic

Create your own RSS feeds packed with the latest releases of your favorite software.

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1. Create a custom RSS Feed

Create your own RSS feeds with a custom title and description. Either start from scratch or import your dependencies from a composer.json or package.json file.

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2. Add your favorite Software

To add software to your feed, search for it across multiple providers. All public Github, Gitlab, NPM and Packagist projects are supported. Releases are fetched twice a day. If a project doesn't use releases, tags are fetched if possible.

Packagist (PHP)
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Each feed has its own, unique RSS URL. The feeds adhere to the official Atom Feed standard and were tested with the W3C Validator. They can be used with any tool that is capable of reading RSS feeds, no matter if it's a commercial service, a desktop app or a self-hosted web application.


  • 3 custom Feeds
  • 25 Applications per Feed
  • Feeds updated daily
  • Basic support
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  • Unlimited Applications per Feed
  • Feeds updated twice a day
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